The obvious way, provided that the items in labelled correctly, would be to see whether the label states that it is 11.1v or 7.4v. The label should also give you an idea of the capacity of the battery, measured in MaH (Milliamp Hours).
What happens if the Battery is not labelled, or seems to be labelled incorrectly?
Occasionally, when manufactured, Gel Blaster batteries can potentially be labelled incorrectly. Also, many newcomers to the Hobby look at a battery, and because the physical size of the battery is smaller than we presume it should be, the assumption is made that the battery is a lower voltage than was claimed when it was sold to you. But the truth of the matter is, that there are some very small 11.1v batteries and also some very large 7.4v batteries.
The Key difference, is to know how many individual cells are inside the battery. So, the easiest way to tell this, is count the wires that are connected to the “Charging” plug on your battery. All the Gel Blaster batteries that we sell, regardless of their capacity in MaH (Milliamp Hours) will either contain 2 internal cells for a 7.4v battery or 3 internal cells for an 11.1v battery.
This mean that all of the 11.1v batteries will have 4 wires, going to a 4 pin charging plug. Three charging (positive) wires, one for each cell, and a common negative wire. Similarly, all 7.4v batteries will have 3 wires, going into a 3 pin plug. Two charging (positive) wires and a common negative. With regards to the wire colours, some manufacturers will use Red for all the positive wires and black for the common negative. Whereas, other manufacturers will use separate colours (often white, red and blue, depending on the number of cells inside the battery) and then black as the common negative wire.
So, by counting the number of wires in the charging plug, you can easily tell the difference between an 11.1v and a 7.4 battery, irrespective of the size.

11.1v Battery 4 Pin Connection

7.4v Battery 3 Pin Connection
As a way to illustrate, that size doesn't matter. No honestly, it doesn't.
Below is an image of two batteries. The Large blue one is a 7.4v battery, and the small checkered one is an 11.1v battery. It’s all to do with the number of cells inside, and the number of wire on the connector. Not the overall size of the product.